분류 전체보기393 의식의 차원들(경지들) - 메허 바바 The Planes Of Consciousness Question: Is the “consciousness” we are aware of in the human form the same in all the spiritual planes? Answer: “The unfoldment of consciousness in the lower evolutionary stages, mineral, vegetable and animal, is perfected in the human form. The consciousness you have now in the human form continues the same throughout all the spiritual planes—the subtle, mental and .. 2021. 12. 20. [신-깨달음의 단계] 높은 의식차원들의 소리, 냄새, 시각 체험 - 메허 바바 What Sound Is Like In The Higher Planes Question: Can some idea be had of what sound is like from the higher planes? Does it in any way differ in intensity of frequency of vibration from the sound of the physical plane? Answer: “This is rather difficult to explain and still more difficult to understand, as it relates to subjective experience. However, know this: that sound is present throughout .. 2021. 12. 20. 나는 당신 안에 있다 - 메허 바바 2021. 12. 19. 메허 바바 사인과 연도별 사진 https://www.meherbabatravels.com/meher-baba-a-glorious-life/ MEHER BABA - A Glorious Life Note : If a name or location is mentioned & underlined this is a hyper-link to that subject's webpage. Click on them to visit. All images of Meher Baba up to the early 1950s were all B/W. Most of these images have been colourized by Anthony Zois. This web www.meherbabatravels.com 2021. 12. 19. 이전 1 ··· 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ··· 99 다음