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의식의 차원들(경지들) - 메허 바바

by 有然(유연) 2021. 12. 20.

The Planes Of Consciousness

Question: Is the “consciousness” we are aware of in the human form the same in all the spiritual planes?

Answer: “The unfoldment of consciousness in the lower evolutionary stages, mineral, vegetable and animal, is perfected in the human form. The consciousness you have now in the human form continues the same throughout all the spiritual planes—the subtle, mental and supra-mental. There is this difference. In the lower evolutionary process culminating in the human, the consciousness at various stages differs in point of degree. It is a continuous process of unfoldment, always progressive, resulting in the full and complete consciousness of the human form. In the planes, however, the perfected consciousness of the human remains the same, but its scope or field of play becomes greatly extended.

“For instance: you are now conscious only of the gross plane; the subtle and mental worlds you are not aware of. Likewise, one in the subtle plane has consciousness of the subtle world only and is not conscious of the gross and the mental; also one in the mental plane has the consciousness of the mental plane only and is not aware of the gross or the subtle; one in the seventh plane—the supramental, the plane of perfection—has consciousness of all the planes: the mental, the subtle, and the gross.

“You can thus see the consciousness of the human form continues throughout; and the field of play varies not in degree but in depth and extensiveness. In evolution there is a definitely determinable difference in the various stages of consciousness which is an incessant and persistent state of unfoldment resulting in the all-complete consciousness of the human form.
In the higher planes, although this consciousness remains the same, there is an infinite difference between the consciousness of the subtle and mental, mental and supramental. This difference is sharp and defined, as there is no point of fusion or expansion as that which existed when consciousness was unfolding. It is on this account that one in the subtle plane identifies himself with that plane and deems this consciousness to be Perfection. Similarly, one in the mental plane identifies himself with the mental plane and the consciousness hereof is considered as Perfection. It is not Perfection at all; it is an illusion, rather self-delusion.

“You can now understand why one gets stuck in the plane where one is. It is extremely difficult for one to step into the mental plane from the subtle. It is impossible for one to go from the mental into the supramental unless helped by a Master.

“There is as much difference between the consciousness (in extensiveness) of the sixth and seventh plane as that between an ant and a human being. The seventh plane connotes Perfection; here one becomes consciousness itself.”

-Treasures from the Meher Baba Journals, p180

더 높은 차원에서, 비록 이 의식이 동일하게 유지되지만,
서틀(기운)과 멘탈(정신),
멘탈과 슈퍼멘탈 의식 사이에는 무한한 차이가 있습니다.
의식이 전개될 때 존재했던 것과 같은 융합이나 확장의 지점이 없기 때문에 이 차이는 날카롭고 분명합니다.
이 때문에 에너지계에 있는 사람은 그 차원과 자신을 동일시하고 이 의식을 완전이라고 간주합니다.
비슷하게, 멘탈계에 있는 사람은 자신을 멘탈계와 동일시하고 그 의식은 완전으로 간주됩니다. 그것은 전혀 완벽하지 않습니다.
그것은 환상, 오히려 자기 기만입니다.

“이제 자신이 있는 경지에 갇힌 이유를 이해할 수 있습니다.
사람이 에너지계에서 멘탈계로 들어가는 것은 극히 어렵습니다.
스승의 도움이 없이는
정신계에서 초정신계로 가는 것은 불가능합니다.

“제 6경지와 제 7경지의 의식(광범위한) 사이에는 개미와 인간 사이의 차이만큼이나 많은 차이가 있습니다.
일곱 번째 계(7경지)는 완전함을 의미합니다.
여기서 사람은 의식 그 자체가 됩니다.”

- 메허 바바