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메허 바바 말씀

bhed [비밀, 지식] 시크릿 깨달음 - 메허 바바

by 有然(유연) 2022. 4. 1.

바바는 아베스타, 성경, 꾸란, 기타 읽는 시간을 5일로 정했다.  그는 또한 5명의 관계자들에게 예식에 필요한 것들을 모아달라고 부탁했다.  "제대로 대표하자"는 바바의 말이었다.

바바는 다음으로 음악을 들었다.  Baba는 "비밀의 소유자여, 목이 잘려도 공개하지 마십시오"라는 노래를 다시 들은 후 "비밀은 말할 수 있지만 아는 것은 경험의 순서가 완전히 다릅니다.  bhed [비밀, 지식]은 지성과 관련이 없고 오히려 감정과 밀접하게 관련되어 있어 무분별하게 공개되면 혼란을 야기합니다."

요점을 명확히 하기 위해 Baba는 Pathan과 Marwari의 이야기를 언급했는데, 이는 특정 단어의 말을 통해 사람의 본성을 변화시킨 갑작스러운 감정의 폭발을 예로 들 수 있습니다.

건장한 파탄과 허약하고 마른 마르와리는 사이가 좋지 않았습니다. 마르와리는 파탄을 싫어했지만, 그의 몸집 때문에, 그가 받아야 한다고 느끼는 구타를 가할 수 없었습니다. 한번은, 멀리서 파탄이 자신을 향해 오는 것을 보았습니다. 그는 힌두교 친구 몇 명을 자기 근처에 모아놓고 이렇게 말했습니다. "친구들아, 이 파탄은 매우 배신적인 놈이야. 저는 그와 가장 예의 바르게 행동하지만, 그는 저를 매우 무례하게 대합니다. 제가 증명해 보이겠습니다. 제가 그에게 좋은 교훈을 줄 수 있도록 도와주세요."
이때쯤, 파탄이 다가왔습니다. 마르와리는 웃는 얼굴로 그와 악수를 하고 포옹을 했지만, 그렇게 하면서 그는 그의 귀에 속삭였습니다, "이 돼지야!" 이 말들은 파탄의 감정을 불러일으키기에 충분했고 그를 격노하게 만들었습니다. 그는 마르와리를 치기 시작했습니다. 실제 상황을 알지 못한 채 근처에 서 있던 사람들은 마르와리의 편을 들었고 파탄은 호되게 얻어맞았습니다.
바바는 이것을 너무나 생생한 손짓으로 표현했고, 마르와리, 파탄, 그리고 그들의 싸움을 너무 완벽하게 흉내내서 모두가 진심으로 웃었습니다. 이것으로 저녁 회의는 끝났고 바바는 메헤라자드로 떠났습니다.

Abdulla Jaffer, who was an asthmatic, had trouble repeating God's name while seated, so he would stand from 3:00 to 5:00 A.M. and say God's name. Because he had almost fallen asleep, Nana Kher was instructed by Baba to keep him company and thus make certain that there was no break in the repetition. From that night on, Nana had to remain with Abdulla and also with Gadekar, since he too suffered from asthma.

On one occasion, while repeating God's name Aloba burst out weeping, and the continuity was broken. Nana Kher ran up to him immediately and himself began repeating Allah hu.

A person who was to attend the upcoming meetings was known then as Krishna Swami. A native of Kerala, Krishna Swami, 22, sported long hair and a beard and wore a robe typical of sadhus. After coming into Baba's contact he was called Krishnaji. After hearing certain information about him, Baba remarked, "He tries to impress all with his love, even me! At present I have gotten into the habit of bowing down to one who may be a yogi, a saint or a mast."

Baba stated that from the 7th to the 9th of November, no one should try to go near him within ten feet. "Only those who are asked to come near should come. Although about 300 persons will be here, I want a peaceful atmosphere. At the time of mass darshan I do not expect this, because then people will make such a great rush, even to the extent of plucking out my hair!"

Baba fixed the time of reading the Avesta, Bible, Koran and Gita on the 5th. He also asked the five men concerned to collect the necessary things for the ceremony. "Let us represent properly," was Baba's remark.

Baba next listened to music. After again hearing the song, "O holder of the secret, even if you were to be beheaded, do not reveal it," Baba commented, "The secret can be talked about, but to know it is an entirely different order of experience; bhed [the secret; Knowledge] is not connected with intellect. Instead, it is closely related to feelings and if indiscreetly disclosed, creates chaos."

To make the point clear, Baba related a story of a Pathan and a Marwari, exemplifying a sudden outburst of emotion which transformed a man's nature by the utterance of certain words:

A stout and sturdy Pathan and a weak, scrawny Marwari were not on good terms. The Marwari hated the Pathan but, owing to his size, he was unable to give him the beating he felt he deserved. Once, he saw the Pathan at a distance coming toward him. He gathered some of his Hindu friends near him and said, "Friends, this Pathan is a very treacherous fellow. Though I behave with him in the most polite way, he treats me very rudely. I will prove it to you. Please help me to teach him a good lesson."

By this time, the Pathan came near. The Marwari, with a smiling face, shook hands with him and embraced him; but as he did so he whispered in his ear, "You son of a pig!" These words were enough to rouse the feelings of the Pathan and make him fly into a rage. He began to hit the Marwari. Not knowing the real situation, those who were standing nearby sided with the Marwari, and the Pathan got a sound thrashing.

Baba related this with such animated gesturing, imitating so perfectly the Marwari, the Pathan and their fight, that everyone was laughing heartily. This concluded the evening meeting and Baba left for Meherazad.