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엔젤넘버 24 2411p 로드 메허 - 우주의 영적 센터 아바타 메허 바바

有然(유연) 2022. 3. 15. 17:50

엔젤넘버 24
2411p 로드 메허

Before Norina Matchabelli had left India three years before, Baba had directed her, "I had given you the order to find me as God Personal. You have found me. Go and tell this to the world. You will hear my voice within. You will hear no other voice." When Norina returned to America, she began giving a series of lectures on Baba in New York City and elsewhere. Her talks were so powerful and dynamic, many persons came to know of Baba through them, and also later to love him.

A Universal Spiritual Center for Baba had not yet materialized in India, so besides Norina's publicity work, she and Elizabeth had been actively carrying out Baba's instructions to locate a suitable site for a center in America. Baba had laid down certain conditions to them before they left. Now it seemed that they had at last found the perfect spot.

Here is Elizabeth's letter to Baba detailing the history of their search:

June 4, 1944

Dear Baba,

You have received a number of cables from me about the property in South Carolina, which I hope you will accept for one of your spiritual centers in the United States. When I first cabled, the land had been promised to me by Father, but as it belonged to a company of which he was part owner, called the Myrtle Beach Farms Company, it took considerable time to be made available. In fact, the whole tract of 1800 acres which was used as a hunting and fishing preserve by all the partners of the company and others to whom they gave permission to use it, is now being divided up in a legal way and Father's share is approximately 800 acres of this timber land and includes two lakes. This preserve is unique in the respect that it has six fresh water lakes, fed by springs, which are so close to the Atlantic Ocean that everyone wonders how they can remain sweet water!

We are five, living at your center here now for the month of June, the [Frank] Eatons, Darwin Shaw, Norina and myself. When Darwin has to return to work, John Bass will come down. We asked Malcolm [Schloss] but he could not come all the way from California and, as you know, Jean [Adriel] is spending her time at present on some property which she hopes will become a retreat for you eventually, which is at a short distance from Los Angeles. In fact, the plan for five spiritual centers in the U.S.A. was projected by you when you first came in 1931, and you told us that you would use them for different spiritual activities.

To outline the circumstances leading up to the South Carolina center, when in June 1941, we left India, you told Norina and myself to look for a property in the U.S.A. that would be suitable for you and about 60 of your disciples when you came. You gave five qualifications for the land, but did not say where the location should be in this country. They were: the place must have [equable] climate; virgin soil; ample water; soil that could be made self-sustaining to a large number of people; and the property should be given from the heart. Every place Norina and I went after we returned, we looked or inquired if there were such land available.

Particularly we looked in California. The one nearest to this description was at Fairfax, across the bay from San Francisco. A fine woman who is a Sufi leader and lived [for] some time in India, offered to have you and your disciples stay there when you came. Perhaps you will, as her offer seemed to come from the heart; and we all agree that she is the most advanced and understanding soul we met out there. Her name is Rabia Martin. When we went there she had a place set for you at the table and everything was served to you first, in devotional fashion. The property was on virgin soil in fertile country and seemed to have every qualification but one. The day we went there it turned out to be very cold, which they always say in California is "unusual" — but we saw that it was not equitable climate as far north as San Francisco, although we liked San Mateo as much last summer, which is near there.

Last September when we went to Los Angeles, we saw a number of properties with Jean, Malcolm and Markey driving around in a car, but there seems to be a certain lack of water in this district.